








 180x180 cm,digital print with forex, 2016 Sky COLOR "Sky Color is an augmented version of the old instrument called cyanometer (c.1789), invented by Horace Bénédict do Saussure, which was used to measure depth of the color of the sky. This artwork represents the relationship of an individual with the sky as the ultimate symbol of freedom. On a more symbolic level, this augmented cyanometer shows the wide span of possible projected realities that should be measured up with the realities that people live. Culturally, politically, and experientially, societies seem to have constrained the potential multiplicity of realities. One must therefore invent more alternative realities in order to have the freedom to choose. The sky is usually the ultimate plateau of human reflection; men have always looked up to the skies and searched for answers. This quest brought forth the trajectory of human progress. But tragically today, under the capitalist over-determination of the world and the constraint of human potential within the limits of the market, we have lost this important reference of humanity's progress – the sky. The palette of variations of blue is one example of the possible configurations of the social and the individual. It stands as a mute reminder that what has driven our history in the world forward must never be lost from sight."